
Zoning Map

On November 16, 2021, the City of Bandera adopted a new zoning map in conjunction with the new Comprehensive Master Plan

Place Type Zones

The zones in the above map are described as follows: 

P1: Nature The Nature place type is land that has been left in a natural state or reverting to a wilderness condition, including lands unsuitable for settlement due to topography, hydrology or vegetation. P1 is intended to preserve areas that contain sensitive habitats, active or passive civic spaces, parks, and limited agricultural uses. 

P2: Rural The rural place type regulates mainly large lot sparsely settled land or land used for agricultural purposes and food production. This Place Type helps preserve Bandera's natural beauty and agricultural roots. Rural living and sparsely settles lands are to be located in a manner that does not cause a nuisance to more intensely inhabited areas. 

P3: Neighborhood The Neighborhood place type regulates generally low density detached housing types in varied styles. Neighborhood also supports civic spaces, such as schools and places of workshop. Owner occupied residential lots may have one bunkhouse behind the primary building. Neighborhood is adjacent to higher density places types that have some mixed use building. Landscaping is naturalistic and build-to-lines vary from relatively deep to shallow. In certain areas where the topography requires an alternative development pattern, the roads and blocks may be irregular to accommodate for natural conditions.

P4: Mix The Mix place type functions as a smooth transition from the commercial oriented P5 Core place type outward to the established residential P3 Neighborhood place type. P4 Mix regulates a variety of building types ranging from smaller more traditional commercial form buildings to intermixed house-from commercial and detached residential residences. This place types provides flexibility for this area to easily transition between low intensity commercial and residential building types allowing for the neighboring P5 zoning to expand and contract overtime, increasing Bandera's economic resiliency. 

P5: Core The Core place type regulates a higher density mixture of building types that accommodate commercial, restaurants and bars, retail, offices, hotels, and apartments. The P5 Core place type radiates out from Main Street splitting Bandera in half. Main Street has buildings set close to the sidewalk and high pedestrian and car traffic. P5 is integrated into the grid through a network of streets with the potential for wide sidewalks, consistent street tree planting, and a highly walkable environment throughout the place type. P5 promotes a continuous line of buildings critical to defining the public frontage.

Full Zoning Ordinance

Place Type Development Standards

Below is Place Type Development Table. It contains the allowable development standards within each Place Type. P is permitted. NP is not permitted. 

Place Type Development Table
City of Bandera City Limits and Extra Territorial Jurisdiction (ETJ) Map